
A Disney Bathroom Tip - Taking multiple children for a pit stop

Yes, you read that correctly.  A Disney bathroom tip.  On the surface, it may sound crazy, but one way families get separated and children get lost is in bathrooms that have multiple entries and exits - or where you enter on one side and exit on another.  And of course there are all of those scary bathroom stories that your friends tell you they "know is true because it happened to a friend of a friend."

While I confess to being a bit of a safety nut concerning my children, I do not think I am in the minority when it comes to letting children use public facilities solo.  My girls are now 4 and 7, and as the same sex parent, I always am in charge of the potty stops.  (Lucky me.)  Until recently, we would all pile into one stall together and take care of business.  Over the past year my oldest has decided that she prefers a bit more privacy, which I understand and respect.  But I am still not comfortable with her wandering around the bathroom on her own (and possibly even leaving the facilities) while I tend to her little sister.

Our solution?  I put big sister in a stall and wait until she locks the door.  She is instructed that she is not to unlock or open the door until she sees my feet under the door of the stall.  I can then take the time required for myself and her sister without worrying that she is wandering out on her own.  When we are done I return to the first stall to get my oldest - who is obviously standing and waiting for me to come and get her.  We all wash our hands together and head out to meet dad and resume our day.

It may sound a bit crazy, but for us it works!  It is the best balance that I could find between safety and privacy.  Hope this helps your family...and I hope this is the only Disney bathroom tip you read today!

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